Within SCView, we have the capability to add custom Pay Periods for your district. To have this enabled please contact SC Support. Once it is enabled follow the steps below to add your pay periods.

1. Navigate to Admin > Site Settings and select the Time Sheets tab.

2. Click on Manage Custom Pay Periods.

3. In the popup, select the Pay Period you would like to modify. If you do not have one in the list, click the + icon next to the drop down menu to add one.

4. From here you can manually enter the end date of your pay periods by clicking the bottom + icon.

5. After entering each End Date, click the Save button next to that entry. The system will save everything at that point.

6. If you prefer you may create a CSV file with a list of dates. The format on the CSV will need to only have 1 column with the End Date of each period. This can be imported by dragging and dropping the file into the designated area. If this file contains a header, please check the "Has Header?" checkbox.