In SCView, there are three primary ways to make selections:

  • Checkbox/Check all option - ex: Workflow uses this option
  • Clicking - ex: Lower left grid on the Search screen uses this option
  • Combination - ex: PO Manager uses a combination of both options


There are two ways to select with checkboxes:

Individually - Simply check each box on the left of the row you would like to select

All - Above the individual row boxes, there is a single solo box along the entire bar. This could have one of three looks depending on what is selected. Regardless of the state of the box, you can click it to select all. Clicking the box again will de-select all.

Unchecked - No rows have been selected. Clicking the box in this state will select all items

Filled in with a square - Some rows are selected, but not all. Clicking the box in this state will select all items

Checked - All rows have been selected. Clicking the box in this state will deselect all items

For Clicking:

There are 3 primary clicking methods:

Single selection - simply left-click an item to select it as the only item 

Single multi-select - Similar to the single selection, this allows one additional selection each click. To perform this type of selection, hold down CTRL+Left-click for each item you want to select/deselect

Range select - To select a range, first select one end of the range of items. Then, hold down Shift+Left-click on the other "end" item to select it and all values in between the two ends.