
This guide will explain how to complete a time sheet for approval.

A. Problem Statement

Submitting paper time sheets can be cumbersome for employees and payroll staff. Data has to be entered multiple times, and papers need to be passed off physically to reach the next person in line for approval and submission. This is also wasteful with printing documents.

B. Solution

To address these challenges, the system offers streamlined processes integrated into the Time Sheets module. This solution includes functionalities for adding, editing, and submitting time sheets to USPS. Additionally, the module supports audit history and the ability to view all completed time sheets. By leveraging these tools, employees can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy in payroll.

Submitting Time Sheets for Approval

Step 1:

Navigate to Tools > Time Sheets.

Step 2:

Click Add Sheet.

Step 3:

Select the Payroll Period for the time being entered. It will default to the payroll period based on today's date. We can go to the previous payroll period if it has not already been submitted and finalized.

Step 4:

Enter time for each date worked. 

(Columns and action buttons are explained in the following section.)

Step 5:

Submit or Save Draft.

Submit should only be used if we have completed the entire time sheet. This will be sent for approval when clicked, and edits will be locked during approval.

Save Draft should be used if you have not yet completed your time sheet for the current payroll period. This allows you to continue to enter time and make updates until you are ready to submit for approval.

Time Sheets - Form Details

Employee: User submitting the time sheet

Employee ID: USPS employee ID assigned to the user

Payroll Period: Pay period selection that determines which dates can be entered.


The summary provides a breakdown of the weeks of time submitted. If the option to integrate leave lines with time sheets is enabled, it will also total up the leave. In the lower right corner of the summary area is a tag as to the status of the time sheet.


Add Line: This button allows us to enter a new line within the current selected payroll period. You will first choose the date when clicking Add Line. 

This can be used if you had deleted a line, or if you worked two different shifts within the same day. 

If multiple shifts for the same date are added, they will be sorted chronologically on Save/Submit.

Delete Line: This button allows us to delete a line worked, if entered by mistake. This method is easier than deleting out each column entered on the line that needs removed.

Export: This button downloads a .xlsx document of the time entered, which can be opened in Google Docs or Excel.

Submit should only be used if we have completed the entire time sheet. This will be sent for approval when clicked, and edits will be locked during approval.

Save Draft should be used if you have not yet completed your time sheet for the current payroll period. This allows you to continue to enter time and make updates until you are ready to submit for approval.

Cancel: This cancels anything entered on this time sheet since it was last opened.

Refresh Positions: This button checks USPS to see if anything has changed with your employee's positions within USPS. 

If you are not finding the correct position or account to select on the form, click the Refresh Positions button. 

If the options are still not displaying as expected, you may need to contact your payroll staff to review your employee setup in USPS.

Line Item Columns

Date: Date displayed is based on the current payroll period that is selected. You will only be able to enter time worked for a date that falls within the current selected payroll period.

Time In/Time Out: We can free type into the box or click the clock icon to choose a time. To free type 8:30 AM for example, we would enter it as 830 A and that will complete the time. 


The option(s) displayed are based on your user settings, and determines where the time sheet routes within the workflow for approval.

Location: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

The option selected indicates where you worked for that line. This is informational only, and those who approve time sheets will be able to review this information.

Position: Positions displayed are based on your Employee ID set on your user profile. 

(NOTE: If positions are still not displaying properly after using the Refresh Positions button, please contact your payroll staff as an update may be needed within USPS.)

Break Start/Break End or Break Mins: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

All break settings will subtract from the overall total of hours worked for each line. 

Break Start and Break End logs the time you took a break. 

Break Mins logs the amount of minutes you have taken a break. 

Break Start/Break End and Break Mins should not both be displayed as options on the Time Sheet form. It should be 1 or the other, or none.

Type - Attendance/Absence: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

Attendance is standard. Each option changes the available options in the Category column.

Type defaults to Attendance which applies to time worked. There is an option to select Absence

Changing this selection will change how Time is submitted to USPS (AT or AB).

(NOTE: If you are using the Leave module within our system, we will want to keep all time entered as Attendance, and it is recommended to hide this column from the Time Sheet view.)

Category: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

Category defaults to Attendance. This can be changed to Substituting if you are a sub for another employee for the time worked.

If we had selected Absence in the Type selection, we will see different Categories that relate to Absences.


This is informational to add details for the time entered. Those who approve time sheets will be able to review this information.

Subbing For: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

If you are a substitute for another employee, you will have the option to select the employee for which you are subbing. 

(NOTE: The options listed are based on the employee having access to enter Time Sheets and having a valid Employee ID set in our system. If an employee is not available, please contact your payroll staff)


This column is view only, and calculates based on the Time In and Time Out (minus any Break time entered if applicable).


This column is view only, and displays Hourly or Daily which is based on your Position selected on the time entry. This data is set within USPS, and not MySCView. 

(NOTE: If this appears to be incorrect, you may need to contact your payroll staff to update your employee within USPS.)

Special Project Name: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

This allows selecting of a special project that your Employee ID and positions are linked with. This column will make it easier to see which time sheet entries are related to special projects.

Account: (This may not be displayed depending on your settings)

This allows selecting the account code that applies to the Position worked. 

C. Best Practices

  • It is always best to fill out a time sheet to its entirety before clicking the Submit button. If not, your time sheet may be returned by your supervisor to correct.

D. Troubleshooting

  • Missing a Position: Try clicking the Refresh Positions button. If the Position we are expecting to see is still not there, you will need to contact your payroll staff to ensure it is set up correctly in USPS.

  • Missing a Department: You may need to contact your supervisor to help update your selections that should be available for submitting Time Sheets for approval.

  • Unsure of the current approval status: We can look at the Status column under Tools > Time Sheets, or we can right-click and choose Document History to see every step taken so far.

  • Time Sheet submitted incorrectly: If we have already submitted the time sheet for approval, you can right-click and choose Recall. That will take it out of the approval process and allow you to edit the time sheet. You will not be able to make edits to your time sheets if it is in the workflow for approval, or if it has already been processed by your payroll staff.

  • "Editing is Disabled. Record was sent to Payroll." - Error: Appears when submitted and then approved through workflow, so this will display once it reaches the Completed queue.

E. Related Articles

How do I use the Time Sheet Manager


The Time Sheet module simplifies the process of submitting time sheets for approval within an organization. By following the given steps and adhering to best practices, employees can ensure smooth and efficient time sheet submissions. Should challenges arise, the troubleshooting tips provided can help address common issues effectively, ensuring continuous operational success.