The invoices tab, also known as the invoice manager, makes it easy for a user to handle a larger than average volume of invoices without needing access to the workflow. It can be accessed by going to Tools -> Invoices, or by clicking the invoice tab when on another purchasing-related page.



Invoices will only appear in this tab if the email listed in your user profile matches the requester index of the invoice. The invoices manager DOES NOT have an admin-level view. This effect is achieved by looking at the actual workflow page.


The columns of the upper area will correspond to the primary indexes of the invoice. These are entered when the page is added to the document, either via SCScan or upload on the Search page. PO Details can be pulled up by using the PO Details button located near the top of the page. To select a row for review, simply highlight the row.


Once the invoice is selected, the image of the invoice will appear in the right side of the screen. If there are multiple pages, they can be scrolled through. There is also an image manipulation toolbar, and if print rights are available, a print option is here as well.

The section in the lower left side of the screen is where the action takes place for invoice approvals.


The first set of buttons in the area labeled with a (1) are buttons made available through the workflow. These buttons will actually move the invoice to the correct next queue without providing access to the workflow. The buttons may have different labels than what is shown in the screenshot. Only approve/deny when everything else is correct as this will remove the invoice from the manager screen.

The Sync button (2) allows the lines below to be pulled in if they are not present. It also allows the most recent lines to be pulled in if there were any modifications made to the PO. Generally, this feature will not be used as the lines will already be present from the scanning process.

The status option (3) will update the status column in the workflow. This will let the person processing invoices know what the intent is with this invoice. If the PO is ready to be closed and there will be no more invoices processed against the PO, choose the Full option. Otherwise, choose partial. This is optional.

The notes section (4) will provide notes to the person processing invoices if you need to leave any notes. This is optional.

The lower lines section notated by (5) will be how the PO will be paid. Generally, this section will already be filled out correctly by the person scanning invoices, but if any corrections need to be made or nothing is filled in, they can be made here. The amount will be what is being paid on that particular line. The status will be the status of the line item. Partial will be used when the line is still being paid on. Full will be used when the line is completely paid or no longer needs payment. Cancel is used to remove allocated funds from the line. Received should be the received date of the invoice. EIS is for inventory purposes. Mark Y if the item should be in inventory.