The Batch Manager is a high-level manager for groups of documents. When SCScan is opened, the Batch Manager is the window you will see first.


Date Filter - The filter at the top of the window (1) limits the number of batches shown in the manager at any given time. This is important because we recommend not deleting batches. This reduces confusion from too many batches being shown at once.

Batch List - The list of batches show in a grid view (2). You can see multiple details about the batch, with the most important being the Name, Document Number, Indexed Number, and Last Exported date.

Batch Functions - The grouping of batch functions (3) on the lower left of the grid are fairly basic. The Open button opens the selected batch. Only a single batch can be open at a time. The Cancel button closes the Batch Manager. The Delete button deletes the selected batch(es).

Client Profiles - Provides configuration for the application for documents and indexes (4) . Support may ask you to open this window, but it is generally not used outside of initial configuration.

Edit Batch - Allows you to edit both the name and the description of the selected batch (5).

New/Import Batch - Used when scanning/importing a new batch to be worked with (6). See the guide on how to use these functions here.

Export Batch - Creates an CSV export file of the currently selected batch (You have the option to export as XML by clicking that checkbox) (7). This is used for troubleshooting by support and can also be manually imported into SCView instead of using the Upload Batch button.

Upload Batch - Used to send files over to SCView. (8) If your batch has a date listed in the Last Exported column, you'll want to double-check that your files do not already exist in SCView before using this again. This will duplicate any existing images already in SCView.