
Financial Dashboard allows users the ability to create custom tabs to view conditions specific to their needs. Custom tabs will appear on the left side of the screen, below the last built-in widget. Each custom tab will have an icon and a name that the user can assign. 

A. Problem Statement

Users often want to see specific custom information in the Financial Dashboard relating to the district's revenue/expense/budget but often cannot find the information in the built-in widgets. 

B. Solution

Custom tabs can be created to view conditions with specific Funds, Functions, Objects, Receipts, OPUs, Jobs, Subjects, SCCs and ILs. The custom tabs can be a classic or budget type - with the title and icon being whatever the client sees fit. The display option allows for the client to select either revenue, expense or both expense and revenue. 

Step 1: Log into the Financial Dashboard page and navigate to the Administration tab. 

Step 2: On the Administration tab there will be a table labeled Dashboard Tab Configuration. In the Dashboard Tab Configuration, there will be a + in the upper right corner; Clicking that button will cause another table to open. 

Step 3: In the table that opens from clicking the + button, the user will have the option to select a Type from the drop down (Classic or Budget) and enter a Title and Subtitle. The Line # by default is set to 9 and the user has the option of making this custom tab printable. The user can select an icon for the custom tab from a list of icons in the drop down.  The final option is a display option which allows for the user to select Revenue, Expense or Expense/Revenue. 

Note: Anything that is required will have a red * by it. 

Step 4: In the middle of the table is a large box labeled User Ids. In the User Ids box, clicking in the select box will allow the user to select which user(s) will have access to view the custom tab. 

Step 5: The box at the very bottom of the screen says And +. Clicking the plus button will open a list of two options: Add Condition and Add Group. You will pick whichever option works best for the custom tab you are creating. 

Clicking either option will then show by default the line Fund Contains <Enter a value>. If the user clicks on the word Fund, they can select from a list of options (Function, Object, Receipt, IL, OPU, Subject, Job, SCC). Contains can be changed to anything in the list such as Equals, Greater To, and Less Than. For <enter a value>, you will enter the number of whichever Fund/Object/SCC you'd like to see in your custom tab. Clicking Save will then create your new custom tab. 

Step 6: The Display Option that was selected (Revenue, Expense or Expense/Revenue) will dictate what you'll see on your custom tab. On the custom tab, typically there will be a table and a chart. 

For example, on the Expense/Revenue custom tab: There are two tables and a bar graph as well as a pie chart. 

Step 7: On the custom tabs, the user has the ability to download a report. To download, the user will want to click the arrow located in the upper right corner of the screen. The user can select their SCC as well as the date. 

Step 8: A PDF report will be generated showing information for every SCC selected. The PDF will show Revenue, Expenses or both Expenses and Revenue for each SCC relating to the specifications assigned to the custom tab when it was created. 

C. Best Practices

  1. Check to make sure that naming conventions are correct. Uniform naming of custom tabs will lead to less confusion. 
  2. Keep a log of when custom tabs are made (this will help to keep in mind which are the oldest custom tabs to the newest).
  3. Always make sure that the correct data has been entered in the bottom portion of custom tabs (ex. Fund 100 instead of 001), as this could lead to the wrong data in your custom tabs.

D. Troubleshooting

If custom tabs do not appear or if they appear blank, confirm that you have the correct fund/data selected as well as the correct identifier (e.g. Equals/Greater Than) as this could impact how the data is shown. Also check to make sure that you have the correct display option set as Revenue data could not display for Expense data. For unresolved issues, contact the technical support team for assistance. 


E. Related Articles

Financial Dashboard: Overview


Financial Dashboard's Custom Tabs allow for users to have the ability to view data relating to Funds, Subjects, OPUs, SCCs, and more that can be tracked relating to Revenues and Expenses. Custom tabs are a great tool in tracking daily fluctuation in expenses and revenues and comparing how the revenues and expenses of a district looked over a fiscal year.