The user must have Admin permissions to add or edit groups in

Navigate to admin > groups

Click 'add' or 'new' - both will allow a pop up to display to input values. 

Once you see the pop up display, add the Name of the group you would like to use and the description. Often times we leave these set as the same. 

4. Click 'Save' to create the new group. Clicking 'Cancel' will cancel your input and not create a group. Once the group has been 'saved', it will display in the group grid (see below).

5. If an edit needs to be made, click on the pencil icon to the left of the name, this will allow for edits to be made to the 'name' and 'description'. 

6. Next, you will want to add users by clicking on the 'add' button under the Group Users grid (see below). 

A pop up will display with all the users that belong to the database. From here the ability to search for users or select them from the list is available. 

When all the users are selected to be added to the group, click 'save' and the group will exist with those users. Clicking 'cancel' will close the pop up and selections won't be saved. When 'save' is clicked the grid will now display the users apart of that group. 

At anytime additional users can be added under their individual profile under the group tab. 

Giving Permissions to Groups


Navigate to Admin > Users

Locate the newly created group in the list, then double-click it to access the permission settings. Adding permissions to groups follows the same process as adding them to individual users. For guidance on how to add permissions, you can  CLICK HERE  to view the instructions.