General Navigation

Upon successfully logging into the SCView Portal, the user will be directed to their assigned landing page based on the modules that the database has a subscription to. Users can access any produced tile based on the specific role they have been assigned in the portal.

  1. Home Tab: The Home tab provides an analytical tool to track, monitor, and analyze every aspect of all available modules. It offers easily accessible widgets such as the time clock, forms, requisitions, etc.
  2. Search Tab: This tab allows users with specific permissions to search various documents related to their own documents. Note: The searchable documents are defined by doc type permissions under the user’s profile.  
  3. Workflow Tab - Users can access and approve items that are sent to the workflow for approval, such as leave requests, requisitions, invoices, etc. Note: Users with workflow permissions are ONLY able to access this part of the site.
  4. Tools Tab - This tab provides access to all the core and advanced tools that you can run to execute tasks within your modules. 
  5. Admin Tab - The Admin tab offers an interface where administrative users can manage users, emails, notifications, and other settings. Note: Each tab is defined by specific user permissions that ONLY a site administrator can provide.