If you would like to add this feature, please contact your sales rep. 

1. Go to www.myscview.com to log in. 

If you've never logged in before, please contact your admin for your username and initial password.

2. Click on the "Tools" menu and click "Tax Docs".

3. To upload your tax documents, click the Upload File button. 

4. Choose your document downloaded from USAS. Once the file is chosen, you will see the screen below. It will choose the Tax Document Type automatically based on the file. Then you will choose the Tax year and which template it applies to. Then click Import.

5. Now that the file has been imported, we will see the tax documents that were just uploaded. We can check the top most box to highlight all documents within the list or check individual boxes as needed. Then click the Print Docs button.

6. The file will take a few seconds to generate and then on the top right corner of the page, you will see an option to Download. Click that button and it will ask you where to save the file on your computer.