With batch edit, you're able to edit 2 or more documents at the same time. 

NOTE: This must be enabled by the support staff. If you would like this enabled, please have an admin of your database reach out to support via email to get enabled. 

1. From Search, select 2 or more documents. You can do this by holding CTRL and clicking on the documents from search.

2. Right click any of the documents that are in blue and click 'Edit'.

3a. In the pop-up, make changes as needed.

3b. If you right click a column, will get options of 'Copy Down' & 'Copy/Swap Columns'

Copy Down: Will copy selection down

Copy/Swap Columns: Gives pop-up box of different changes that can be made.

NOTE: If no rows have a checkbox next to them, only option is 'All Rows'

3c. After all changes have been made, click 'Save'.