Please note, you must be an admin to view these settings.

Settings changed here apply to all users using Student Registration Portal.

Navigate to:

Admin > Site Settings > SIS

Note: If any of the following settings are not selected, they will use the system default. 

For any custom templates, please contact the support team to create them based on your preference including specific wording in the body of the email. Each template option is explained below.

Custom Logo Text - The text that appears below the logo on the portal registration.

Registration Verification Template - The confirmation email template that sends out after a user registers for the first time. We will include the hyperlink to the confirmation screen so they can continue to log in. We can optionally display the user's First and Last Name if requested.

Forgot Password Template - The forgot password template will display a hyperlink that will take you to the reset password page for the portal. We can optionally display the user's First and Last Name if requested.

Email Address Change Template - After an email address is changed within the Portal, the system will send an email to the original email address on the account confirming the change has been made. It can display the original and new email address.

Email Address Change Confirmation Template - After an email address is changed within the Portal, the system will send an email to the new email address for the account confirming the change has been made. It can display the original and new email address.

Email Verification Template - This email is sent when a user tries to log in, but they have not confirmed their email yet.