As an admin, there are many settings you can customize within the IPDP module. 

1. Click on Admin-Site Settings and then IPDP

2. Make any changes needed and click 'Apply'

Pre-Approval Type

None: Does not allow the user to create a pre-approval for an activity.

Any: Allows user to create a pre-approval whenever needed for an activity.

Evaluation Type

None: Does not allow the user to create an evaluation.

Once: Allows the user to create one evaluation.

Allow Recall: Allows the user to recall a none approved IPDP item.

Buildings: List of buildings that will be listed for the user when creating their IPDP plan.

Professional Development Types: This allows for custom types to used when creating IPDP plans. Leaving empty will use the system default.

Hour Display Unit: Select from Contact Hours, Semester Hours, Quarter Hours, or CEUs. This change the display on the IPDP manager screen.

Allow Activity Requisition: Allow the user to create a requisition from an activity.

Copy Plan User Email to Vendor: If creating a requisition, sets the vendor email address to the user's email. 

Allow Activity Invoice: Allow an activity item to create an invoice.

Require PO Number: When filling in an activity item, will require the PO number to be entered or cannot submit.

Autofill Single Line Invoices: If the PO has a single line, it will apply all costs automatically to the line. 

NOTE: You will still need to edit the line for desired status before submitting to USAS.

Invoice Number Macro: If creating an invoice, will automatically create an invoice passed on the pattern listed. 

{{Initials}} - Initials of the approval user (first/last)

{{CurDate}} - current date in YYMMDD format

{{CurTime}} - current time in HHMMSS format

{{Title}} - first 4 characters of the title of the approval

Split Goal Entry - Allows for 2 boxes under each goal: Goal Statement and Proposed Activities.