
The Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) plays a crucial role in structuring and approving your professional growth activities. Once your IPDP plan has been approved, you're set to log various activities, ensuring they align with your professional development goals and meet district requirements.

A. Problem statement

A common challenge arises when educators are ready to submit their activity hours but encounter issues due to an unapproved IPDP plan, or when submission errors occur due to incomplete or incorrectly entered data.

B. Solution

To effectively manage this, our system provides a streamlined process to submit and track your professional development activities. This includes the ability to add pre-approval for activities if required by your district, accessible through a user-friendly guide.

Once your IPDP plan has been approved, you will be able to submit activity hours for approval. If your district requires, you can also add a pre-approval for the activity you are submitting for approval (click here for the guide on how to add pre-approval). 

NOTE: If the button is not green, the selected IPDP plan has not been approved and cannot have activity hours added. 

1. Select the IPDP plan for which you wish to submit an activity hour and click Add Activity Hours.


2. Fill in required fields and click Save to submit for approval.

Work Assignment: Job assignment pertaining to the activity. This can be marked as required, if needed, depending on your district.

NOTE: If not on your form, your district has hidden it.

Title of Development: Title for your activity hour.

Location of Development: Where your development was held.

Attendance Dates: Add 1 or more dates.

Hours/CEUs: Total hours or CEUs.

Hour Type: Select CEU, Semester, Quarter, or Contact. 

NOTE: The system will automatically convert to hours shown under IPDP manager screen.

Add Supporting Documents: Attach a PDF or any other image that is required for the activity.

Professional Development Type: Select 1 or more to which the activity applies.

Description of Development: Description of what the development is.

Goals applicable to Development: Mark a checkbox on 1 or more goals.

Additional Goal Notes: Add any additional notes.

3. Manually Remove/Add Hours

  • Right-click on the plan to which you wish to add hours, then click on Manually Add Hours.
  • Type the amount of hours you want to add along with a comment and click Save.
  • To remove hours, you will follow the same steps; Just place a negative sign in front of the number under Hours to Add.

Once the item has been approved: You will receive an email, your approved hours will be reflected in the total, and the Status will change to Approved.

C. Best Practices

  • Detailed Entries: Accurately fill out all required fields, from work assignments related to the activity to the professional development type.
  • Documentation: Attach all necessary supporting documents as PDFs or images to verify the activities claimed.
  • Review Goals: Align each entry with applicable development goals and provide detailed descriptions and additional notes where necessary.

D. Troubleshooting

If issues arise during the submission:

  • Double-check to ensure that you have selected the correct IPDP plan.
  • Ensure all mandatory fields are completed correctly.
  • If the button to add activities isn't green, verify with your district whether your IPDP plan has been properly approved.
  • For issues with manual hour adjustments, reassess the entries for correct signs and comments before resubmitting.

E. Related articles

Create IPDP Plan 

Add Expenses to IPDP Activity Items

IPDP Site Settings


Managing your professional development activities through the IPDP system not only assures compliance with district requirements but also significantly aids in your professional growth tracking. By following the outlined steps and best practices, you can efficiently submit your development activities for approval, ensuring your professional journey is consistently supported and acknowledged.