1. Go to www.myscview.com to log in

If you've never logged in before, please contact your admin for your username and initial password.

NOTE: Some actions listed below may not be available to you due to permissions to your account. If unable to do a process, please contact your admin to change your permissions to be able to do so. 

2. Click on the "Tools" menu and click "IPDP"

3. This screen is referred to as IPDP Manager screen. From here, you can create new a IPDP plan, see the status of your IPDP plans as well as Activity Hours that are submitted to your IPDP plan(s). You can also filter by clicking the filter button on the column.

Add Plan: Create a new IPDP plan.

Edit Plan: Edit an IPDP plan that is currently not in workflow.

Delete Plan: To delete an IPDP plan that is currently not in workflow.


Export Plans Only: Export IPDP plans only

Export Plans and Approvals: Export IPDP plans along with activity hours

NOTE: Export is put into XLSX format. No images are exported. 

Plan: IPDP Plan name

Status: Queue that the IPDP plan is currently in or status of IPDP plan.

User Name: User of the IPDP plan.

Start Date: Start date of IPDP plan.

End Date: End date of IPDP plan.

Required Hours: Hours required for IPDP plan.

Approved Hours: How many hours have been approved for submitted activity hours.

% Complete: Percent that has been completed for your IPDP plan.

4. Click "Add Plan"

5. Fill in all required fields and click "Save

Plan Name: Name of the IPDP plan.

Effective Start Date: When your IPDP plan starts.

Plan Type: Type of IPDP plan.

Building: This is customized by your district. If yours is not listed and unsure of what to select if multiple 

Effective End Date: When does the IPDP plan expire.

Required Hours: How many hours are required. Default is 180 unless otherwise noted by your committee. 

Licensure/Certification Information: Click "+" and select 1 or more licensure/certifications that this IPDP plan applies to. 

Goals: Must enter at least 3 goals. 

After your plan has been submitted for approval, you will receive an email once it has been approved. You can view the document history of the IPDP plan by right clicking and clicking "View Doc History".