The ProgressBook confirm screen offers several tools to enhance data integrity when processing new and returning students.

Previously, all ProgressBook fields had to be submitted in a single form to be processed correctly. The new confirm screen can handle all fields on a single form, packets, and standalone forms that may have just a few ProgressBook submission fields. When submitting a packet, the confirm screen will gather all forms submitted with the packet. To submit the student data to ProgressBook, you only need to select one form from the group, although you can choose to select multiple forms simultaneously. Additionally, it's possible to select and submit data for multiple students at once.

After selecting all the students or forms you wish to process, simply click the 'Submit to DASL' or 'Submit to PB' button.

Note: The button name can vary from client to client, depending on their naming preferences.

When clicking the ‘submit’ button, a ‘confirm action’ dialog screen will appear. This screen will show contact information, forms that the data is pulled from, and information about the student (if there is any) that is being pulled from ProgressBook. Below will define these areas.

  1. Student Info – This information pulls from student contacts in SCVIEW that are linked to the document(s). This is based on the ContactID and Form Group information. If an individual form is submitted, the contact information in this section will be blank until a contact is selected in the right-side panel.
  2. Document to View – Is a drop down that pulls in form(s) from the Form Group. If there is more than one form in the group, you can select different forms to review. This allows for you to easily review what a parent inputs into the form versus the information pulled in from ProgressBook.
  3. Matched Student – If there are any contact matches in SCView, the matches will show in this grid. If there is a value in the ‘Last SIS Sync’ column then it means there the contact has been merged with ProgressBook data at some point. There is more detailed information in the description above this box on how the matches are located and some troubleshooting steps.
  4. Skip – If you have chosen to process multiple students at once, this will allow you to skip a student. This will not process the student and the student will remain in the workflow queue in which you selected the student from.
  5. Next – Click this button to proceed to the next page. The student is NOT being submitted at this time.

Clicking ‘Next’ will go to the next page called ‘Student Matching’.

* Contact Linked Record – If the selected contact from the first step has a ProgressBook StudentID assigned (this is not visible to users), ‘contact linked record’ will be selected and ‘new student’ and ‘match from SIS’ will be greyed out. Essentially, this means that a match has already been found.

* New Student Record – If there is no ‘Linked Record’ or ‘Match From SIS’, use this. When used, a new student record will be created in ProgressBook.

* Match from SIS – We recommend doing this before selecting New Student to ensure that there isn’t already a match in SIS for the student. If you know there won’t be a match, you can skip this step and simply select ‘New Student Record’. There are two ways to search for a student:

  1. Strict Matching Fields – Inputting one of these; EMIS ID, SSN, or Student Number and clicking search will search for a strict match in ProgressBook for this student.
  2. Non-Strict Matching Fields – Inputting all of these; First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Date of Birth and clicking search will search for a student in ProgressBook.

*Some of these fields may be preloaded with information from the contact info from the first screen.

It is possible that no match will be found, which will result in the need to select ‘new student’.

If there is a match for the student it will show in the lower section of the screen (right side) and selecting the student will be enabled. Selecting the student from the match or by checking ‘new student’ and clicking next will navigate the user to the next screen (this does not submit).

Comparison Screen

The comparison screen allows a user to compare the SCVIEW values and the values brought in from ProgressBook, in order to make sure the correct data is submitted to ProgressBook.

Value View – Defaults to “All”. This allows the user to set which values are being displayed in the comparison area. SIS values only shows the data from SCView (from forms) and ProgressBook submission comparisons. SCView values only shows values on the form that do not submit to ProgressBook but were entered. We recommend leaving this set to ‘all’ for the best comparison experience.

Skip – If you have chosen to process multiple students at once, this will allow you to skip a student. This will not process the student and the student will remain in the workflow queue in which you selected the student from.

Display only Changes – is defaulted to checked. If there are no changes to show from SCView to ProgressBook this will hide the values to ensure a clean and easier to read layout. Values that are marked required will always show.

All – is only enabled for ‘new students. Clicking the ‘all’ buttons allows for the values from SCView to fill in the ProgressBook side in order to submit. “ALL” is only enabled for new students because all fields will need submitted to ProgressBook.

“Accept All” Fields – allows a user to ‘accept all’ fields within a section to overwrite the ProgressBook values. Sections are broken up within the confirm screen.

Individual Arrows – Clicking the individual arrows allows for one item to overwrite what the ProgressBook value contains.

Accept/Post – Once all values are reviewed and the user is ready to submit to ProgressBook, they will click this button.