To use Amazon Marketplace there is some information we need from your Amazon Business account. This guide will walk you through the steps on how to get it for us. If you'd like to start using Amazon Marketplace please contact us at with the information gathered below.

1. Login to your Amazon Business account

2. Go to Business Settings

3. Under System integrations, click "Purchasing System"

4. Type in SC-StrategicSolutions in the drop down and select it

5. The following fields are what are needed:

"From Identity" in cXML

"Shared Secret" in cXML

Punchout URL

Purchase order request URL

We recommend using test mode until you have verified everything works as expected. Test will do everything but actually place the order and ship. Once you have successfully tested the connection you may then change the system to "Active Mode". Please notify SCView when you are ready to move to production.