When creating a requisition, if you need to split a line by either price or quantity, this guide will walk you through it. 

1. Create a new requisition by going to Tools -> Requisition and clicking "Add Req."

2. Fill in requisition and click "Add Line"

If wanting to split by price, quantity must be 1

If wanting to split by quantity, quantity must be 2 or more.

For this FAQ, we will do split by price. The popup screens will be the same. Only difference is what splitting by; price or quantity.

3.  Fill in line and click "Split By Price"

4. Edit the amount you wish to pay per the account and click "Update"

5. Click "Add Line" to add another account to pay against. Enter desired price and account and click "Update".

You will repeat this step until unassigned is $0

6. Click "Save"

Once saved, will be added to your Requisition