Go to www.myscview.com to log in. 

If you've never logged in before, please contact your admin for your username and initial password.

Creating a New Document

1. Go to the Search tab and click the first icon in the top right section where images are displayed.

2. Select Doc Type we wish to create.

3. Enter data in the fields as needed and click the Browse button to find your attachments.

4. Click "Save".

Appending to Existing Documents:

We have 2 options when appending documents.  We can just append pages without adding any additional information into the fields through Option 1 below, or we can append pages as well as enter additional information under Option 2.

Both options are found under the Search tab.

Option 1: Appending only to add pages:

1. This option is for when we are only adding pages as records and do not need to enter additional information for these pages. We will open a document from the Search tab by double clicking the result to display the existing pages. If we don't load the document, the append option will not be available.

2. Then click on the Append Pages button which is the icon with a plus symbol. When we click this button, it will open a folder view of files on your computer to choose the page or pages to add. Once the files are selected, click the Open button.


There is also a drag and drop option if you have the folder opened on your computer already. When dragging and dropping, it will ask if you want to Append to the Current Document or create a new document by clicking on the document type available.

3. Choose to append the page to the Beginning, End, or After a specific page number. Once we click OK, the page will be added to the document and the task is complete.

Note: There is a Page Type selection that will have multiple choices available if we are using the Financial Packet, but it will best to use Option 2 if we are adding Invoices that need to have all of the invoice details.

Option 2: Appending Pages to an Existing Document and Indexing

1. We will highlight a document from the Search results and then click the Edit button.

2. Click the Attach button and it will show your computer files to choose which attachment will be added to the document. Choose which page or pages that need to be added. Once the files are selected, click the Open button.

3. Then the document can be indexed by choosing a document type and any other details available on the new line that populates. Once finished, click the Save button.