**Some of the items discussed in this guide may not be available to your district**

Please note that not all titles of workflow queues or buttons may match your own database and not all databases have both options enabled to submit as a requisition and invoice. 

To create the mileage invoice macro, you need to have administrative access in your Myscview database. 

1. To start, click over to the Mileage tab of Site settings. On this page, you will see on the database settings, "Invoice     Number Macro" with a text box beside it. (Leaving this blank, wouldn't effect the function over your database.)


2. There are specific macros that can be entered to the Invoice Number Macro text box. Which includes: {{Initials}}, {{CurDate}}, {{CurTime}}, {{SCID}}.


 *** Keep in mind that all of the macros may not be used together due to the max length restriction of 15 for the invoice number. 


  • {{Initials}} - User Initials
  • {{CurDate}} - Current Date
  • {{CurTime}} - Current Time
  • {{SCID}} - Mileage ID


4. After entering the specific macros into the Invoice Number Macro text box, confirm the change by pressing the "Apply" button at the top left of the screen.

5.  When loading the confirm screen, any mileage items with a blank invoice number should pre-fill based on the macro or blank if macro is blank.