
Welcome to the step-by-step guide for managing and creating receipts through the Receipts manager at Whether you are logging in for the first time or navigating the Receipts tool, this guide will provide the essential information you need to efficiently manage your receipts.

A. Problem statement

Users often encounter complexities when managing receipts, including issues during creation, editing, and deletion, particularly when navigating permissions or specific conditions such as receipt status or workflow stages. This can lead to inefficient handling, errors in receipt management, and potential delays in processing.

B. Solution

By utilizing the tools available under the Tools menu on MySCView and following the directed steps for adding, copying, editing, and deleting receipts, users can streamline the management of receipts. The system allows clear conditional functionalities based on the user's permissions and the receipt’s status, ensuring compliant and efficient processing.

1. Go to to log in. 

If you've never logged in before, please contact your admin for your username and initial password.

2. Click on the Tools menu and select Receipts.

3. The screen below is referred to as the Receipts manager. Here you can see the details of all the receipts you have created. In this screen you are able to add a receipt with the button that says Add Rcpt. 

You are also able to copy a receipt with the Copy Rcpt. button. 

A user can click Edit Rcpt. if it hasn't been submitted to USAS or is not currently in a workflow waiting to be approved. 

Any user can use Delete Rcpt. to delete a receipt that was saved as a draft. Only users who have Delete permissions can delete a receipt after it has been submitted. If you have Delete permissions, it can't be deleted if it is sitting in the workflow.

Your receipts are given a number either after they have been successfully submitted to USAS or at the time they are created and sent for approval. This will depend on the settings set by an admin user. You can also see the status of each receipt, if it has been saved as a draft, where it is waiting to be approved, and if it has been submitted to USAS. The other columns tell you the details that you will be providing when you create a receipt.

4. First, fill out the Received From field. This field can have anything entered as to who has provided the receipt, or we can pull a vendor from USAS if you start typing the vendor name or vendor number. Received From Email and Requestor CC Email are optional fields that can tie into email notifications if requested to Strategic Solutions' staff. Requester is not currently editable and automatically uses the email address of the user creating the receipt.

As mentioned prior, the Receipt Number will not be assigned until after the receipt has been submitted to USAS or until after it is created and sent for approval, depending on settings. Choose the Receipt Date and enter in the Total amount of the entire Receipt that is being created. Receipts can't be submitted if the total does not match the total of every line item. The Description field is the summary of all the lines created on the receipt. There is an Attach option to include additional documentation. Any items attached will display with the receipt if we have access to the Search tab or view in the Workflow to approve.

5. Receipt Line Items: Create line items for the receipt.

Add Line: Creates new line to fill out. Edit Line, Copy Line, and Delete Line do exactly as the button names describe to the line that is highlighted. Import will allow you to import an Excel file. Please contact Support for this file via chat or email. 


    Type: There are options for RC or RX which have account codes that are pulled directly from USAS.

    Receipt Amount: Amount for this particular line item.

    Check Number: Check number used for payment.

    Description: Description for this particular line item.

    Account Desc: We can start typing out the name of the account and click the magnifying glass to search results.

    Acct Code: We can start typing the account code and click the magnifying glass to search if we didn't search by Acct              Desc. We can search accounts by using the binoculars icon as well.

   You are now able to also limit if you wish to have a user enter an Acct Code or not. This is done under their user from 

   Admin > Users.


    Accounts available for RC are determined by USAS and are cash and revenue accounts.

    Click Save when finished adding a line.

Add Invoice Line: Pulls line items from existing invoices created in MySCView. 

From Last: Set a date range far back enough to see the invoice from which we need to pull the line(s).

There is an arrow next to the Invoice Number that must be clicked in order to see the line items from which to choose. 

Then check the box for whichever lines we want to pull in for the receipt and click Save.

Show all Invoices: If unchecked, this will only show invoices that relate to the Vendor that was entered into the Received From field.

When selecting an invoice line to pay, you must enter an amount of which to pay in the Amount field. 

This can also be set to fill automatically via Site Settings. You must be an admin to do so.

6. We can click Submit to send it into an approval workflow or click Save Draft to finish creating the receipt at a later time.

7. To print the receipt, select the receipt you want to print, the press the Print button.

8. There are two export options available: exporting a single receipt or exporting the entire line, either in a compact or extended format.

C. Best Practices

  • Use of Email Fields: Utilize Received From Email and Requester CC Email to tie into email notifications efficiently, keeping relevant parties informed.
  • Document Attachments: Attach necessary documentation at the time of receipt creation to streamline approval processes and maintain records.

D. Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues during receipt creation or editing:

  • Permission Issues: Verify you have the necessary permissions for the actions you are trying to perform.
  • Browser Issues: Ensure you are using a compatible browser and clear cache/cookies if experiencing interface issues.
  • Data Mismatch Errors: Check that all total amounts align correctly and all mandatory fields are filled.
  • Technical Glitches: For persistent issues, contact Support via chat or email and provide specific error details or screenshots.

E. Related articles

ARI: Invoice Guide


Understanding and utilizing the MySCView Receipts manager effectively can significantly enhance your ability to manage financial documentation and workflows. By aligning with the best practices and utilizing troubleshooting recommendations, users can overcome common obstacles and become proficient in managing receipts through this platform, leading to improved operational efficiency and compliance.