Sometimes you may need to update the vendor information within your system. When you update the Vendor information in USAS the Department information does not automatically update within SCView. In order to do this an administrator will need to follow the following steps.

Go to Admin > Site Settings > Requisitions

Click on "Refresh" next to "Deliver To List Refresh"

Your Vendor information should now be updated! If you continue to have issues, please contact support.

Additional Notes: 

The Deliver To List box above the Refresh button is a list of all vendors available for the Approval List and Deliver To drop-down options for Requisitions. Approval List is for Workflow approvals. Deliver To is for Purchase Order Shipping Addresses.

When we click Refresh, we will only validate and display active vendors from USAS. If a vendor is removed or marked as inactive in USAS, and we click Refresh, it will not display as an option. It does not matter if it is in the Deliver To List box in the site settings.

If you do not see these options when creating a requisition, either the vendor is no longer in USAS, or your user permissions are limited to certain options.

If you need to add to this list, you would enter the new vendor number separated by a comma in between the other vendors. There should be no spaces in between. Then click Apply. Then click Refresh to load the current information from USAS. 

If you are adding to this list in order to add an additional approval path in the workflow, there are additional steps needed to make sure Requisitions using that Approval List reach the correct destination.

Please contact support if you need assistance adding approval paths for your Requisition workflows.