Can I cancel a PO from SCView?

No. If you wish to cancel a PO, you will do that from USAS.

How does cancel work in your system?

Our system can only cancel out amounts. EX: If the shipping charge is $20 and we want to cancel that line out, we would index the line for $20 and choose a status of cancel.

I want to remove a line from a PO, can I cancel it?

No, you would remove it in USAS. Once done in USAS, you can either wait for our system to automatically update it within an hour (does not currently auto update from redesign) or force the update in purchase order manager. 

What are the different cancel options used for?

The cancel options are as follows:

     Cancel: USAS Classic Only, used to cancel a line
     Partial Cancel: USAS Redesign Only, used to cancel some of a line and leaves the line open in USAS.
     Full Cancel: USAS Redesign Only, used to cancel the remaining encumbrance of a line and closes the line in USAS.