There are times that you may need to add a new queue to a workflow. Below are the steps to show you the process.
Note: Adding a new queue to a workflow or modifying a workflow will require the user to be an Admin.
1. Click Admin-> Workflows
2. Click "Add Queue" under the workflow you wish to add a new queue to
3. Fill in desired settings and click "Save"
- Name of queue
- Normally same as #1
- Position in workflow
- Have checked if a document will start in this queue
- DeliverToVendorNo for requisitions, Department if USPS or mileage
- Vendor number if requisition, department name if USPS or mileage
- DocCreated
- Users you wish to have permission to this queue
User must also have proper doc type permission and access to workflows.
4. Click "Add Action" to create a button/action in the workflow
5. Fill in desired settings and click "Update" and then "Save"
- Name of button
- Position for button
- If no, will not show as button but as a drop down
- If yes, will show in form (leave as no)
- Which queue the button/action will send the document to
- Require approver to leave note
- If yes, will bring up popup box to confirm action
- Leave as default
- Notification (email) to be fired off (within 1 hour) when button/action is clicked
Repeat step #5 until have all desired buttons/actions