Workflow access is a specific privilege that has been assigned to specific users for the purpose of reviewing and taking action on or within certain workflow queues. This privilege includes the ability to review, edit and move items based on your permission settings. This privilege should be used with caution as to best serve your organization.


Logging in and accessing the Workflow screen

1. Log into your mySCView database

2. Once logged in, navigate and click onto your Workflow tab (up at the top) > Then click on your
available workflow queue name. *If your workflow queue is highlighted [bold] with XX numbers next to it – these is an indication you have XX number of items to review in your workflow queue.

The Workflow screen will populate, within this screen the user has the ability to view, take action and edit the documents listed within their own workflow queue. This guide is designed to walk through each of these processes. *NOTE– It is important to note that some users may see multiple workflow queues while others may only see one workflow queue. Workflows permissions are rights given to/for specific users. 

3. Once you have clicked on your workflow queue name - a listing of pending items will populate
to the right of your screen. 

Clicking ON an actual document (highlighted blue line) within your workflow will populate the
following for review [Listed from bottom to top].


Audit Trail (History) - This will list the path the document took from entry to current placement (including date/time & username stamp)

Document Image – Displays the document itself and any attached back-up attached for review (to review additional pages – simply scroll down)

Edit - The edit “link” button [when clicked] will open the document and allow edits for correction and re-submission. *NOTE– re-submission will not force the document back through the path back maintain its current placement (in your workflow queue)

Action Buttons - Action buttons allow the user to take action on the document thus moving that item out of their workflow queue and onto the next phase. To take an action on the document – First click on the small box next to #1

Then click on the action buttons listed at the top right of your workflow queue.

  • Approve – Marks your document as reviewed and approved by you – moving this
    document onto the next workflow queue.
  • Reject – Marks your document as rejected and moves the document into a reject
    workflow queue. An automated email notification is sent notifying the document
    originator you rejected this item.
  • Return – Marks your document as returned and moves the document out of all
    workflow queues. An automated email notification is sent notifying the document
    originator you returned this item.

*Upon the action of Rejecting or Returning a document – you must notate in the “Notes” box why you are choosing this action. This is to ensure the originator is properly notified and can fix if applicable.