**Some of the items discussed in this guide may not be available to your district**



Information Section

The fields above the line item area are mostly static, but can be used as confirmation.

Employee: User submitting the time sheet

Employee ID: USPS employee ID assigned to the user

Payroll Period: The payroll period for the current line items below. Changing this will change the information in the line item area to correspond with the pay period. 

Overtime Only: This checkbox will place all calculated time on the sheet as overtime, regardless of overtime settings



The summary provides a breakdown of the weeks of time submitted. If the option to integrate leave lines with time sheets is enabled, it will also total up the leave. In the lower right corner of the summary area is a tag as to the status of the time sheet.



Line Items

Each date within a pay period begins with a single line on the time sheet. Many of the columns can be hidden and may not be available on your time sheet.

Time In: The clock in time

Time Out: The clock out time

Department: This is a drop-down based on the list of departments in the user profile. 

Position: The position being worked on this line. If the positions showing are incorrect or the pay rate changed, you will need to click the Refresh Positions button in the upper right corner of the form to get the latest information from USPS 


Location: Values can be pre-selected or typed. Location of work

Break Mins: Amount of unpaid break time taken. This is generally used for lunch periods. It subtracts from the overall total of hours worked


Type: Choice between Absence and Attendance. Attendance is standard. Each option changes the available options in the category column

Category: If Attendance is chosen in the Type, there are only two options. One is attendance and the other is substituting. If absence is chosen, the entire list of reasons for absence will populate

Notes: Open text for providing any additional notes about the line

Subbing For: This box will populate with any users that have an employee ID in their user profile and have time sheets enabled

Pay: Pay estimate based on the pay rate for the position chosen - shows the total pay for the line

Time: The total time worked on the line

Type: This is the benefit type pulled from USPS. Will show either Daily or Hourly

Account: Account code(s) associated with position chosen. Can be selected if the user knows the code they are supposed to use. Can also be hidden from the user but still be editable via workflow.



Underneath the initial set of lines is another set of buttons and information. The add a line button will allow for more than one line to be added for a date. This would be used when more than one position is worked, or an extended time elapsed between clocking out and back in again such as a long doctor's appointment. Lines can also be deleted. There are no restrictions on deleting lines as long as the time sheet hasn't been submitted. 


On the right side underneath the account numbers, totals show for leave balances. 




Once all required fields have been completed, a draft can be saved or submitted. If the draft is saved, it does not enter workflow. If the draft is submitted, the time sheet is created along with the image and it then enters workflow.