Jump to: Professional Leave

1. Go to www.myscview.com to log in. 

If you've never logged in before, please contact your admin for your username and initial password.

 2. Click on the Tools menu and click "Leave Requests".

3. Click the "Add" button to create a new Leave Request.

**Some of the items discussed in this guide may not be available to your district**

Information Section

The fields in the upper section of the form will be used to determine each individual line of leave. 

Leave Reason: This is the primary category of the leave. These can be customized and may appear different per district. If the leave option is not available in USPS, it will automatically be submitted as "Other". Standard leave items are:

  • Sick
  • Personal
  • Vacation
  • Professional
  • Jury Duty
  • FMLA
  • Calamity
  • Other

Detail: A subcategory to the leave reason. If there has been no additional detail specified, the box will be disabled. If there are options available for the specific leave reason, the box will be enabled.

Department: This is a drop-down based on the list of departments in the user profile. If the user only has a single department, this box is automatically selected and locked for the user with the value of the department.

Substitute Necessary: Notifies approvers that a substitute will be needed. Does not perform any automatic actions.

Comment: Notes on why the leave is taking place.

Attach: Provide any relevant supporting documentation here.


Balance details are available in the upper right corner of the form. There are two columns of details. The column to the left is the balance available in the USPS system. The pending on the right shows how much time is scheduled to be taken in workflow but has not yet been fully processed.

Line Items

Once all of the relevant information has been filled out above, the lines can be added to the overall leave. Selecting the Add or Edit options opens a dialog where line information can be added or edited.

Date: The start date of the requested leave

Position: The position's balance to be used to take the leave. If there is a position missing from the list or one that should not be in the list, clicking the refresh positions icon (1) will pull down the most up-to-date positions from USPS.

Amount Requested: This box will work differently depending on if you are an hourly or daily benefit employee.

Hourly: The left box is the number of hours to be taken. The right box is the number of minutes. This will only allow the maximum of one full day's time. If your standard day is 8  hours, it will stop at 8. If your standard day is 3.5 hours, it will stop at 3 on the left box and 0.50 on the right box. The minute increments are determined by your administrator.

Daily: The left box will either be a 1 or 0. 1 means an entire day will be taken. A 0 means that the remainder of the day must be selected in the right side box. The increments are determined by your administrator.

Comments: Any individual line comment needed - each line can have its own comment.

After the line item(s) are added, they can be edited, copied, and deleted. Highlight a row before clicking the action button. Copying a line will copy the line exactly, but increment the date by one. It does not ignore weekends. A line can be copied any number of times. 


Professional Leave

If the leave reason selected is professional, the bottom section of the form will become available for editing. Once the costs associated box is marked yes, the section opens up. If your district does not have the option for leave to create a requisition, the section highlighted in red will not be available from the below screenshot. See below the Add and Delete instructions for how to use this section.


Add: Clicking Add will open a dialog where the item can be added to the list. The amount is entered, followed be a description of the item. Once the save button is clicked, it generate the line item and places it in the lower section.

Delete: Deletes a line item.

Requisition Information

After lines have been entered, the details for the requisition can be entered.

Vendor #: The vendor to be paid. If you are not sure of the correct vendor number, you can use the binoculars to search for the correct vendor.

Deliver To Vendor #: This is the vendor number that corresponds to the correct approval path for the requisition

Account Number: The account number being used to pay for the line item

To apply this information to a line, click the checkbox for each line to add the information to, then click Apply to Req. If a different account number will be used for different lines, simply update the account number and check the appropriate box before clicking Apply to Req again. This will also overwrite any existing information, so you'll use this instead of an edit button.

The requisition is not created on submission - it must be processed via workflow. Once the Leave form is at the final approval, the confirm screen will create the requisition and send to the requisition workflow.


Once all required fields have been completed, a draft can be saved or submitted. If the draft is saved, it does not enter workflow. Any fields filled in or attachments for the draft will remain. If the draft is submitted, the leave is created along with the image and it then enters workflow.

If you do not see the buttons for "Save Draft", "Submit", and "Cancel", click the maximize window. If you do not click "Save Draft" or "Submit", and close out of the Leave request, all information entered will be lost.