With form campaigns, you can send out a custom form to a contact or group with pre-filled information, and track the status of who all has completed the form within that campaign. 

This module is used along with the Contacts Manager. Click HERE to view the guide on how to use Contacts Manager. 

Go to Tools > Form Campaigns

On the manager screen, you can filter, edit, and create new campaigns.

1. User: Show all campaigns or by selected user.

2 & 3. Date: Start date and end date of campaigns to show.

4. Status: Show all, inactive, or active campaigns.

5. Search: Search for keyword.

6. New Campaign: Create new campaign.

7. Campaign Details: View details of the campaign such as if all contacts have completed the campaign.

Create New Campaign

In this example, we will be doing salary notices. With form campaigns, you can use any custom form, but it must have a form group created by SC Strategic Solutions' support staff to see in the drop down menu. 

Click "New Campaign"

1. Fill in all required fields and click "Next"

Name: Name of the campaign.

Description: Brief description of the campaign.

Form Group: Which form or group of forms you wish to use for the campaign.

Use Merge File: Excel file that contains all information to fill in fields for each user

NOTE: If wish to use merge file, please contact support as each one is custom.

2a. Select who is set to receive emails and click "Next".

2b. If not using merge file, add contacts or groups as needed and click "Next"

: Remove contact from campaign.

Send emails to Contacts: Will send email to contacts listed.

Send emails to Contacts guardians: Will send email to contacts' guardians.

3. This will appear if you are using the Student Registration module. Add any filters tied to the School Year and Fees Due if applicable to your Student Registration setup, and click "Next".

4a. Fill in required fields and click "Next". Use the Locked column to check fields that should not be editable for the user receiving the form.

4b. If not using merge file, we can add values manually. By clicking in a value, you can enter a static value or click the drop down to reveal {{Macros}} that can be used for dynamic values. The values at the very bottom of the list would pertain to a merge file if we unlinked the columns at any time on this page.

Field: Field on the custom form that needs to be filled in.

Value: If using a {{Macro}}, it will be dynamic based on the file that was uploaded. We can also add static values by typing it in. 

Locked: Makes it so contact cannot edit the value when they receive their form.

5. Add subject and click "Next".

NOTE: Each form has custom email message and can be customized to your needs.

6. Confirm information is correct and set dates wish to run the campaign from and click "Finish"

Campaign will start within 15 minutes. Once started, emails will be sent out to all contacts.

View Campaign Details

1. Click on campaign and then click "Campaign Details".

From this screen, can view the status of each contact if they have started or completed the campaign that was sent to them. If need to make changes to a campaign or add a contact, can also do from this screen.